Nerve and Brain Care
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Bakson Pentaphos Syrup (450ml)
Good Health Tonic ,Tones up Nerves, Builds Healthy Bones, Improve Memory.
Bakson Pentaphos Tablets 6X (100tab)
Tonic for All Ages, Helps in recovery, Lack of Vitality, Good Stamina.
Dr. Reckeweg Absinthium (Q) (20ml)
For Delirium, Hallucinations, Nervous excitement, Sleeplessness, Fits.
Dr. Reckeweg R29 (Theridon) (22ml)
Helps in all kinds of Vertigo, Travel motion and Sea Sickness
Medisynth Alfa Betic Forte (Non Sugar) (120ml)
Relieves Anxiety, General Weakness, Mental Fatigue, Improves appetite.
REPL Dr. Advice No 123 (Verti-Go) (30ml)
Relieves Vertigo, Travel Sickness, Loss of balance, Ringing in ear.
REPL M Sharp Drop (30m)
For weak Memory, Forgetfulness, Lack of Concentration, Effect of fear
SBL Ginkgo Biloba (Q) (30ml)
Improves concentration, circulation & Oxygenation, Boosts Memory.
Allen A77 Stress Drops (30ml)
Useful for anxiety and depression, helps in easing of sleep
Allen A79 Depression Drops (30ml)
Hopelessness, Low Mood, low Energy, Fears, Insomnia, Suicidal Thoughts.
REPL Dr. Advice No 168 (Brain Fag-En) (30ml)
Brain Fatigue, Lack of Sleep, Exhaustion, Tiredness, Lethargy.
Dr. Reckeweg R15 (Vita C15) Sedative
Useful in Depression, Sadness, Sleeplessness, Anxiety, Nervous Exhaustion.