Dr. Reckeweg Dilutions
Dr. Reckeweg Calendula Officinalis CM (11ml)
After Injuries, Joint pains, Mouth ulcers, Bleeding, Keloids, Wounds
Dr. Reckeweg Cantharis CM (11ml)
1st degree burns, Eczema, rage and anger,Burning painful urination
Dr. Reckeweg Carcinosin 10M (11ml)
Enlarged mammary glands, infections, gases, Ovarian cysts
Dr. Reckeweg Carcinosin CM (11ml)
Enlarged mammary glands, infections, gases, Ovarian cysts
Dr. Reckeweg Cicuta Virosa 10M (11ml)
For Convulsions, jerking, scalp eczema, swollen mammary gland, Tremors
Dr. Reckeweg Cina 6 (11ml)
Worm remedy, itching at anus, crampy pains, grinding teeth, convulsion
Dr. Reckeweg Cocculus Indicus CM (11ml)
For nausea, vomiting, sea sickness, body lice, stiff joints, trembling
Dr. Reckeweg Digitalis Purpurea 1M (11ml)
Regulates BP, effective in Palpitation, Anxiety & Difficult Breathing
Dr. Reckeweg Elaps Cor Dilution 1M (11ml)
kind of abdominal pain and feeling of uneasiness in the stomach.
Dr. Reckeweg Ferrum Picricum CM (11ml)
Pain at Neck of Bladder & Penis with Retention of Urine, Warts
Dr. Reckeweg Hydrastis Canadensis CM (11ml)
Mouth ulcers,Tonic for appetite, ear pain, catarrh, Coryza, eczema
Dr. Reckeweg Hyoscyamus Niger 1M (11ml)
For delirium, convulsions, clonic spasm, cough lying down, twitching