Wheezal Triturations
Wheezal Calcarea Hypophos 3X (450g)
For Abscesses, Anemia, Lowered Vitality, Low Appetite, Sweating profuse
Wheezal Calcarea Iod 3X (25g)
For Enlarged Glands, Tonsils, Thyroid, Uterine fibroids, Weight Loss
Wheezal China 3X (450g)
Overcomes Mild to High Temperature, Weakness and Indigestion
Wheezal Chinium Sulph 3X (450g)
For Ringing, Buzzing and Roaring in Ears, Facial Neuralgia, Temperature.
Wheezal Cuprum Oxy Nigrum 3X (25g)
For Worms including Tapeworm, Recurrent Urge to pass Stool with Weakness
Wheezal Graphites 3X (450g)
Cracks in Corners of Mouth, Nails Distorted, Brittle, Eczema with Thick Hard Skin
Wheezal Gun Powder 3X (450g)
Septic Suppuration, Wounds, Boils, Carbuncles, Eruptions, Abscesses
Wheezal Hekla Lava 3X (450g)
For Toothache, Gum abscess, Facial pain, Caries of Bones, Bone spurs.
Wheezal Mercurius Iodatus Flavus 3X (450g)
For Enlarged Glands, Swellings with Pain, Tonsillitis with Bad Breath.
Wheezal Niccolum Sulphuricum 3X (450g)
For menopausal disturbance, excess urine & saliva, constipation, headache
Wheezal Oleum Jecoris 3X (450g)
For Hirsutism, Checks Extra Hair Growth in Female,Liver Tonic, Ringworm
Wheezal Pepsinum 3X (450g)
Indigestion, Loose motions,Disease of Pancreas, Gout & Maintain Blood Sugar